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My Current Read
The Third Book in a Trilogy
My mentor suggested three books; Healing Back Pain, The Emotion Code, and this, to be read in that order.
The interaction between the generally reasonable, rational, ethical, moral conscious mind and the repressed feelings of emotional pain, hurt, sadness, and anger characteristic of the unconscious mind appears to be the basis for mindbody disorders. The Divided Mind traces the history of psychosomatic medicine, including Freud's crucial role, and describes the psychology responsible for the broad range of psychosomatic illness. The failure of medicine's practitioners to recognize and appropriately treat mindbody disorders has produced public health and economic problems of major proportions in the United States.
Last Read
Trapped Emotions
We all have them. In the transformational work I do, we rewrite the coding deep within the subconscious mind.
Here, Dr Bradley Nelson describes a technique that he has perfected over the years to release trapped emotions very quickly and ecologically.
This is all centered around the fascinating science of Kinesiology and bringing to light what ancient healers already knew. If you are frustrated with Western medicine which considers the mind and body as two separate entities, then you will find this book intriguing indeed!
Another recommendation, this time from my Mentor, Brad Hager.
Previous Read
Loved This Book
For anyone who doubts themselves or seeking the power within. Anyone who believes they have been damaged from family or other relationships, this book will hit home.
May it bring you answers and relieve you of shame and guilt.
Recommended by Barry Christie. Thank you my friend.
Books Read
I began my journey of self-help, self-improvement, inspirational reading in 2003. In the ten years prior to tracking, there were also hundreds read and learned from. This is the comprehensive list of books read since I began recording them in 2013.
Click on the year to expand:
+ 2013
- Human Engineering
- Think and Grow Rich
- Life
- Launching a Leadership Revolution
- Team Builder Textbook
- Life Business
- Rascals
- The Power of Now
- Leadership & Freedom
- The Magic of Thinking Big
- Resolved
- Leadershift
- Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens
- It's Just Time
- The Christ of the Empty Tomb
- George Washington on Leadership
- A Message For Baseball
- Personality Plus
- Reasons to Believe
- The Power of Four
- Church Membership
- A Month of Italy
- A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life & Purpose
- Bits & Pieces
- Financial Fitness
- How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People
- How I Raised Myself From Failure Success in Selling
- Confidence of a Champion
- As a Man Thinketh
- QBQ question before the question
- The Score Takes Care of Itself
- Stillness Speaks
- Voyage of a Viking
- Psycho-Cybernetics
- How to Win Friends and Influence People (current)
- Instruments in the Hands if the Redeemer
- Just Do Something
- A Search for Purpose
- Mentoring Matters
- The Man God Uses
- Freedom Shift
- Poverty of Nations
- When Helping Hurts
- Extreme Leadership Revisited
- More Than A Carpenter
- A Whole New Mind 47 1913
- The Magic of Thinking Big (2nd)
- Edge
- Letters to Lindsey
- Story
- Think and Grow Rich (2nd)
- Kiling Kennedy
- The Radical Leap - Re-Energized
+ 2014
- Leadershift
- The Slighy Edge
- We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident
- Gospel Powered Humility
- The Quick & Easy Way to Effective Speaking
- Outliers
- Resolved - 13 Resolutions for life
- Splash - Leader's Guide to Speaking
- Spiritual Depression
- The Happiness Advantage
- the 7 Habits if Highly Effectuve People
- Unbroken
- Contentment, Prosperity, and God's Glory
- Tearing Down Strongholds
- An Enemy Called Average
- Turn the Page
- When Bad Things Happen
- Quiet Leadership
- Captivating. Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul
- Killing Sin Habits
- The 8th Habit
- And Justice For All
- The Art of Neighboring
- Crazy Busy
- The Serious Power of Fun
- 8 Attributes of Great Achievers
- Remarkable!
- Churchill on Leadership
- Books Are Tremendous
- Supreme Influence
- Why Does God Allow War?
- Edgy
- P.I.L.O.T. Method
- Dealing With Difficult People
- Get 'er Done
- The Fall of Freddie the Leaf
- Essays to be Good
- The Ant and the Elephant
- Love
- Visioneering
- Don't Give Up, Get Up
- The Leadership Train
- The Way of the Bull
- Wooden
- Job
- The 5 Love Languages
- Financial Fitness For Teens
- Living, Loving, & Learning
- Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life
- Loving Each Other
- David and Goliath
- As A Man Thinketh (annual end of year reading)
- Think and Grow Rich (annual end of year reading)
- A Passion To Serve (Daily Bible Reading)
AUDIO BOOKS Resolved x4
+ 2015
- The Wisdom of the Native Americans
- It Only Takes A Minute To Change Your Life
- Our Founding Mothers
- Developing the Leader Within You (3rd reading)
- The Abundance Book
- Dynamic People Skills
- Success is a Choice
- Discovering Life's Purpose For Your Life
- Focus or Failure: America at the Crossroads
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
- Maximum Achievement
- The Go Getter
- Love Speaks
- One
- Failing Forward
- Handbook to Higher Consciousness
- Partnering
- The Field (a most excellent scientific read on consciousness)
- Developing the Leaders Around You
- Infinite Possibilities
- Thought Power
- A Happy Pcket Full of Money
- Power of the Plus Factor
- Gently Touched By Angels
- Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion
- Abundance
- The Art of Living
- Bold
- Have A Great Day - Every Day
- A Curious Mind
- You Can If You Think You Can
- The Winners Circle
- Energy Leadership
- Your Handwriting Can Change Your Life
- How to Make Positive Imaging Work For You
- As A Man Thinketh (Annual)
- Start With Why
- E Squared
- Supreme Influence (2nd Reading)
- Miracles Through Pranic Healing
- The Existence of God is Self-Evident
- Einstein & The Art of Mindful Cycling
- Blink
- 100 Quotations to Make You Think!
- Parables
- E Cubed
- The Alchemist
- My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton Erickson
- The Greatest Salesman in the World (re-read)
- 30-Second Religion
- The Gift of Therapy; An Open Letter
- Super Brain
- A Letter Concerning Toleration
- The Second Treatise of Government
- Think and Grow Rich (annual read)
- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (book analyzing her gospel)
- A Moment With Scripture (daily 1yr reading plan)
- Resolved
- 7 Habits For Highly Effective People
- Steven Covey
- Niurka - Freedom
+ 2016
- Man's Search For Meaning - Victor Frankel
- Words Can Change Your Brain - Newberg/Waldman
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull (re-read) - Bach
- Learn the Bible in 24 Hours - Chuck Missler
- A Path Appears - Kristof/WuDunn
- The Pyruvate Phenomenon - Prokop
- The Buck Up Book - Van Amburgh
- Inspired Action - Wells
- Me to We - Kielburger
- The Sciemce of Getting Rich - Wattles
- The Five Languages of Apology - Chapman
- The Virginian, a Horseman of the Plains - Wister
- Rock Your Lifestyle - Olding
- Solemate - Mackler
- Key to Living he Law of Attraction - Canfield
- The Collected Papers of Milton Erickson
- You Go Girl...Keep Dreaming - Rice
- The Art & Skill of Dealing With People - Toropov
- The Lositive Principle Today - Peale
- Your Greatest Power (re-read) - Kohe
- The Magic of Believing - Bristol
- Live Youthfully Now - Kemp
- Staying Up, Up, Up in a Down, Down World - Ziglar
- Psychotherapy of Everday Life - Peseschkian
- The Comeback - Giglio
- If you want something you never had, then do something you never did - Peseschkian
- Super Genes - Chopra
- Same Soul, Many Bodies - Weiss
- The Success System that Never Fails - William Clement Stone
- Platform - Michael Hyatt
- Reframing - Bandler & Grinder
- The Untethered Soul - Singer
- Omniverse - Bertolacci
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dispenza
- Versus - Geldon (from 1891)
- The Structure of Magic - Bandler & Grinder
- The Structure of Magic II - Bandler & Grinder
- Focal Point - Tracy (re-read)
- Soul Keeping - Ortberg
- Advertising Headlines - Garfield
- Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway - Jeffers
- As a Man Thinketh - Allen (re-read)
- The Sourcebook of Magic - Hall
- Falling Into Grace - Adyashanti
- The Dalai Lama, His Essential Wisdom - Kelly-Gangi
- Dream of the Cosmos - Baring
- The Spectrum of Consciousness - Wilber
- The Undefeated Mind - Lickerman
- Edgy Conversations - Waldschmidt (re-read)
- The Dream Giver - Wilkenson (re-read)
- Think and Grow Rich - Hill (annual reading
- There's Hope for Today - YouVersion Bible App
+ 2017
- Stillness Speaks - Eckhart Tolle (reread)
- Stay Alive All Your Life - Norman Vincent Peale (reread)
- 5 Love Languages - Dr. Chapman (reread)
- Care of the Soul - Moore
- Enlightenment is Sexy - Valerie Gangas
- We, The Arcturians - Milanovich
- Discovering Your Authentic Truth - Brilando (multiple reads)
- The Shack - Young (reread)
- The Four Agreements - Ruiz (reread)
- The Impersonal Life - Benner
- The Kim Kardashian Principle - Sehdev
- How Good is Good Enough? - Stanley
- The Magic of Believing - Bristol
- Loving Each Other - Buscaglia
- A Woman to Die/Kill For - Somero
- Loving Each Other - Buscaglia
- Loving Each Other - Buscaglia (2nd reading:July Book of Month)
- As a Man Thinketh - Allen (annual read)
- Think and Grow Rich - Hill (annual read)
- Split the Difference - Voss
+ 2018
- Thirving Mind Benzinger
- The Mojo Manual - Brown
- This is Your Brain on Parasites - McAuliffe
- Astrophysics for People in a Jurry - Tyson
- Insight - Eurich
- The Perfection of Yoga - Prabhupāda
- I Think, Therefore I lie - Archer
- As a Man Thinketh - Allen (annual read)
- Think and Grow Rich - Hill (annual read
+ 2019
- A Life Woirth Breathing - Strom
- The Book of God - Wangerin
- Tribe of Millionaires - (Multiple - Gobundance Publication)
- Healing Back Pain - Sorno
- The Four Tendencies - Rubin
- Reclaiming My Life - Nicholas
- Nonviolent Communication - Rosenberg
+ 2020
- The Healing Self - Chopra / Tanzi
- Think and Grow Rich - Hill (annual read)
- Relentless - Grover
- God is Etheral Energy - Virzi
- The Power of Awareness - Goddard
- Connected to Goodness - Meltzer
- Daring Greaty - Brown
- Up Thoughts for Down Times - Brown (Feb Book of Month)
- Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life - Hollis
- Smile at Fear - Trungpa
- The Power of Awareness - (second read and Mar Book of Month)
- The Emotion Code - Nelson
Audio Books
- Discovering Your Authentic Truth - Brilando
- Power of the Subconscious Mind - Murphy
- Your Mind to Receive - Pa
- It Works! - Anonymous (on purpose)
Lectures / Audios
- The Unlimited Flow of Money - Hicks
- The Strangest Secret in the World - Nightengale
- Napoleon Hill Rare Lectures (1-9) - Hill
- Change Your Life in 19 minutes - Nightengale
+ 2021
- Optmimize Your Mindest - Nuba I
- Go For No - Fenton & Waltz
- Developing the Leader Within You - Maxwell
- Developing the Leaders Around You - Maxwell
- Directing the MOvies in Your Subconscious Mind - Britt
- Rings of Truth - Britt
- Discovering Your Authentic Truth - Brilando
- Sponsoring Superhighway - Smus
- The Art of Racing in the Rain - Stein
- Finding Your Voice - Reisch
- Escaping the Fog - Beddingfield
- My Dog is More Enlightened Than I Am - Scanlon
- My Dog is My Relationship Coach - Scanlon
- Do What Matters Most - Shallenberger
- From the Foster House to the White House - Williams
- The Creative Process in the Individual - Troward
- Feeling is the Secret - Goddard
- A New Earth - Tolle
- The Inner Matrix - Klein
- As A Man Thinketh - Allen
- Outwitting the Devil - Hill
- Open - Oconnel & Porter
- The Carrot Principle - Gostick & Elton
- The Power of the Subconsciuos Mind - Murphy
- Think and Grow Rich - Hill
- FAlling Into Grace - Adyashanti
+ 2022
- Behave - Sapolsky
- The Voice of Knowledge - Ruiz
- How to Master the Art of Selling - Hopkins
- Improv Wisdom - Madson
- Power of Awareness - Goddard
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Murphy
- Be Water My Friend - Lee
- Limitless - Quick
- Quotations of George Washington - Washington
- The Way to Wealth - Franklin
- Quotations of Benjamin Franklin - Franklin
- Quotations of Thomas Jefferson - Jefferson
- You Are a Badass - Sincero
- A Simple Choice - Matteson
- Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion - Ciadini
- Lifespan - Sinclair
- Bruce Lee - Polly
- The Science of Gettting Rich - Wattles
- The Mirales of Your Mind - Murphy
- The Power of Awareness - Murphy
- Feeling is the Secret - Goddard
- Awakened Imagination - Goddard
- At Your Command - Goddard
- The Power of Eight - McTaggart
- The Magic of Believing - Bristol
- How to Get What You Want - Wattles
- How to Attract Money - Murphy
- How to Attract Money - Murphy (second reading)
- Think Yourself Rich - Murphy
- The Laws of Persuasion, Manipulation & Influence - Matthews
- Shut UP and Listen - Fertitta
- W1nning - Grover
+ 2023
- The DNA of Success Stories - Zuflet
- Lifespan - Sinclair
- Life Lessons From 7 Miles High - Senour
- The Magic of Believing - Bristol
- The Holy Week - Schallenberger
- The Science of Getting Rich - Wattles
- The Skight Edge - Olsen
- The MVP of INtuituve State - Goyette
- The Art of Acting - Adler
- The Fact of a Future Life - Myers
- Edgy Converations - Waldschmidt
- Your Invisible Power - Behrend
- Awakened Imagination - Goddard
- The Art of Money - Getting - PT Barnum
- Hidden Nature - Bartholomew
- Good Leaders Ask Great Questions - Maxwell
- The Warrior Within - White
- The Celestine Prophecy - Redfield
- Soul's Devine Journey - Sri Gary
- TED Talks - Anderson
- Living Untethered - Singer
+ 2024
My years of experience and learnings in one place. If you feel stuck, in any way, or desire more from life, Here is the book for you!!
Recommended Reading List
Personal Development
Personal Development
Ultimate Guide to Personal Development
The Law of Success is the primary work of Napoleon Hill from which Think & Grow Rich is an abbreviation of. If you are truly studious, The Law of Success is the bible to personal development. Originally published in 1928, it is the culmination of twenty plus years of research understanding what separates extreme results for a few from the ordinary with the masses. It is as relevant today as when it was published some ninety years ago.
Beyond the "Power of Positive Thinking"
Many are familiar with Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking,” a staple into understanding how thinking differently can change your life. “Stay Alive All Your Life," his sequel, is not readily known, however, it is a powerful read connecting God and the individual, the soul. This book moved me in ways no other has to this day.
Finding Your Unique Personal Significance
This is a stand-alone book, not a 'sequel' to his famed book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The 8th Habit is about finding your unique personal significance and inspiring others to find theirs. It is an encyclopedia to be referenced again and again. This book could also be listed under Leadership but here because we are first our own leader.
Understanding the Roles of Each
The love she most desires and the respect he desperately needs is the theme of this book. When Elke and I first read this book it explained why our marriage is so successful. I cannot express enough the value this book is to understanding what works and does not work in a relationship. Naturally, the man respects the woman and the woman loves on a man; but God says for the man to love his woman and the woman to respect her man. In almost every instance I know of personally where a relationship has failed or in trouble, it can be traced back to this root, this truth
Love Communication
Probably the most popular book of recent times on relationships that has helped more couples understand one another than any other written. I personally love it because it gets to the root of communication in categorizing five general ways we choose to be loved. Understanding your partner’s love language allows you to speak to your loved one in a way they understand which quite likely is different from your own. It is a fairly quick and enjoyable read.
Discover Your Personality
This fun little book helps define personality types in such a way you can put it into practical use. It allows you to understand and communicate with yourself better but also those around you come in contact with. She includes a Personality Profile test that reveals how your unique blend of traits affects your emotions, work performance, and relationships. Through humorous anecdotes and straightforward counsel, Personality Plus guides you to improve upon your strengths and correct your weaknesses.
All Encompassing Leadership
Leadership is so important. If you desire to become a better leader of yourself, family, or others, this book is worth its weight in gold. It combines a lot of other proven lessons with the authors own experiences in an enjoyable read that will awaken you to true leadership principles. What makes this book extra special is it is written from the ditches of leadership within the all-volunteer environment of the Network Marketing industry, one of the most challenging leadership positions one will ever undertake.
Legendary Maxwell Leadership
Still one of the best leadership books of all times. This is as much a reference book as it is wisdom and a must read for anyone who sees themselves in a leadership position in any manner – which includes most everyone! Of Maxwell's many books, this is his best in my opinion.
Defines What Works
Although truly a business book, I include here because it defines great leadership from good leadership. Setting the vision, getting the right people on the bus and even more importantly, in the right seat! A very extensive study into why a few companies excel over their competition. Applying these principles to your life will greatly increase your chances of your own success and happiness.
Most Popular of All Time
The Bible is by far the number one best selling book in the history of mankind – for a reason. Whether you are a believer or not, one should study the proven wisdom understanding human nature contained within. It is the instructional manual for life so many complain life comes without. As I listen to others dealing with challenges, I’m consistently amazed how their answers are contained within this book they rarely if ever open. For the believer, it is a direct connection to the Father of all souls.
Deep Inner Reflection
A deep book towards inner reflection. It truly has you look at yourself and who you are as a person. This is not for the faint at heart but for those who wish an honest look at your character, integrity, and personna. This book will awaken your inner being. Farley goes into great detail about the wrath of God, what it is, and how it applies. A short but very powerful read.
Journey Into Higher Consciousness
Maybe more science than spiritual but this book will open your eyes to an entire new way of looking at our world. McTaggart spent seven years researching and writing this one of a kind book into higher consciousness and what she terms, the field. I was continuously awed with every page turned and amazed the science conducted since the 1920's not typically known. She connects the human experience with the environment as one. An extremely enlightening read.
Creator, Master of Elevated NLP
If you are new or seasoned to the world of NLP, this book is a must. Niurka gives you her background of a teenage runaway in search of her meaning. From the ages of 19 to 24 she worked with Tony Robbins immediately becoming his #1 sales person smashing all previous records. Today, she has taken NLP to the next level, what she terms, 'Evolved NLP.' Unlike anyone else in the NLP community, she incorporates the human spirit and love with the powerful NLP technology.
The Original by the Creators of NLP
Richard Bandler and John Grinder partnered back in the 70s through intense research and study into the deep structure of language. Most of their original work is still in use today and has been built upon to greatly increase the NLP value. This book covers in detail surface structure versus deep structure of language. Also, the Structure of Magic II.
77 NLP Exercises Categorized
A tremendous encyclopedia of sorts into the world of NLP. The book, by Dr. Hall, is in three parts and he further organizes the 77 exercises into eight groups. Each part and group is introduced with an overview of the topic. The structure for each exercise is provided. This is not a book to learn NLP but is a sourcebook for those already trained and practicing the art of NLP.