Launching Out the Gate
/Launching Out the Gate
A Derby to Business Momentum
by: Guy Brilando
How did I, a first time, self-published author hit Amazon's Best Sellers list and Hottest moving book on its launch debut? A first time author with an endorsement from Robert Kiyosaki, self-made billionaire who has the longest NYT best seller next to the Bible? Allow me to explain!
Derby: “A race or contest, usually one open to all who wish to enter and offering a prize for the winner.”
This is’s 3rd definition for Derby.
Every year, over the first weekend in May, many countries throughout the world along with our nation, tune in for the running of the Kentucky Derby.
Since 1875, Churchill Downs in Louisville Kentucky remains the crown jewel of horse racing and the first of the three races towards the Triple Crown. The race is exclusive to three-year-olds where they pour every ounce of their spirit into launching out of the gate for position, and then craftily manage their endurance for the ever-closing finish line.
What does it take to win such an elite race where the competition is so strong? It’s more than simply the three years in training of a single horse.
It takes a team of hundreds over the period of decades who have nurtured and cared for the lineage of that horse, racing for the roses at Churchill Downs.
And so it is with you. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, a domestic engineer (responsible for your household), an athlete, or involved in most any endeavor, it is the teamwork behind the one out in front that creates the conditions for success.
From mental conditioning (to include ‘how’ you think), the vision, research, planning, productive activity, belief and more, the greater the team you have behind you aligned in all ways, the quicker and greater the successes will evolve.
“When opportunity arises, it’s too late to prepare” is one of the most powerful statements you can ever internalize towards achieving your dreams. Being mindful of this on a daily basis puts you in the top 5% of your entire potential competition.
There is a team behind the horse nurtured from the day it is born. We see the horse pouring its soul into crossing that finish line first. It’s desire to win is steadfast during those precious two minutes around that 1 ¼ mile track.
But, it’s in the preparation for the victory that began year’s before the horse’s birth. And so it is with you in the years before actually entering the starting gate. Learning from and surrounding yourself with already proven winners in your desired field creates an environment of advantages to success.
And unlike the horse, here’s what you have total control over: You have the power of decision as to how hard you train and prepare while following the advice of your mentors (trainers).
The earlier you begin towards improving yourself on a daily basis the greater you empower yourself. When the opportunity you diligently are pursing finally presents itself, you can pounce on the opportunity you’ve longed for.
Putting forth your very best effort every day will have you happily galloping along!
By employing this simplistic strategy well in advance (even if the destination is currently unknown) you will have behind you everything required when entering the starting gate to launch yourself into first across the finish line.
That's the power behind the launch debut of "Discovering Your Authentic Truth." It's a great read and will inspire you to generate your team to take it to the next level.