Changing Our Thinking
/Changing Our Thinking
Read MoreI appreciate most everyone in life. Each comes with a set of values and belief systems. Some are Trail Blazers others remain followers. Yet, for me, it’s about their heart and how they treat others.
In the business world those who blaze a trail are successful because they don’t care what others think. This is one of the simplest awareness keys to see where a person is in their personal evolution. Those that are concerned about what others think often are stuck because they haven’t gotten over this basic restriction to growth.
Trail Blazers rise above the opinion of others. They work on a different value system. They believe in themselves and their purpose so strongly that no one can shake them from it. They utilize continuing education by reading and seeking mentors who have walked the path before them and then inevitably blaze their own trail bringing with them the masses.
I believe ANYONE can become a trail blazer. For some it comes more naturally but it is also something that can be learned. Most everyone has a burning desire within them. Many have suppressed it - but it’s there waiting to be awakened!
Where do you see yourself? What’s burning deep within you? Most importantly - where is your heart?
Whether you see yourself in either category, for me it’s about where your heart is. Do you have the passion to achieve more, do more with your life than worry about the opinion of others even if that consumes you now?
If you do - reach out. Let’s have a REAL conversation and if there is an alignment to help you achieve your vision for your life.
So how did she do it? How did she recover from that misfortune in China? What words would you use? What makes a champion? For me, Mikaela is the epitome of a TRUE Champion.
Read MoreWhat drives you? What is courage to you? Where do you turn for inspiration? How do you pass such to your kids, your friends, and even your business associates - as a leader?
The Olympics can be extremely inspiring. Understanding some of the stories behind the "news" brings tremendous insight into human nature.
Read MoreIf you were to stop for a moment on deep reflection to unearth how you arrived where you are today in life - what would you discover?
Read MoreEverything begins with thought. What most never realize or accept is most of the thought going on is coming unconsciously from your subconscious mind. This includes that “little voice that never shuts up.” LOL
OUR MINDS run our lives mostly via autopilot. As a pilot myself I can say that’s a good thing when it’s set correctly. But when an error is entered into the programming, it can become disastrous.
How is your mind programmed? It took me years of self-study, reading, and persistent attention in all ways to reprogram myself into seeing life positively; unwanted circumstances as gifts in some way, and grateful for my many blessings. It changed my life forever.
Challenges are life’s way of teaching. Failures are life’s way of growing us to become. Joy comes from loving ourselves. Happiness is the fruit of our labor. If you live a life you wish to be different in any way, you have no other place to go than into your own mind.
I suggest my book being the perfect place to begin that journey. You will be greatly rewarded.
Fascinating story I did not know all the details to. A true act of kindness that began a revolution in the fight against childhood cancer. Taken from: “Connected to Goodness,” by David Meltzer.
—Warren [Moon] and I do a lot of work with St. Jude Research Hospital. One of the things that attracted me to St. Jude was the founder, Danny Thomas. The entertainer started St. Jude with the dream that no child should die of cancer.
He began raising the money on airplane flights. He’d get on the microphone, introduce himself, then tell the passengers, “I’m trying to raise $1.2 million dollars with the goal of no more children dying of cancer, and I’d appreciate any donation.” He’d walk up and down the aisle holding out his hat. Later, he began reaching out to his entertainer friends.
Before he started St. Jude, only 4% of children with leukemia survived. Today, that number is over 96%. Fair to say, Danny Thomas created a significant collective belief by, initially, walking up and down an aisle with his individual manifestation.
Danny broke away from the Rat Pack and the big flashy Hollywood stars of the ‘50s and ‘60s to use what source had given him to combat childhood cancer. The hospital also took Danny’s collective energy and belief. My favorite example of abundance is that St. Judes takes the results of its millions of research dollars and posts them immediately for all other hospitals in the world to use to cure cancer. They do not need to be “the hospital that cured cancer.”
They are completely abundant and only want to see cancer cured regardless of who gets it done. There are many other examples of how abundant St. Jude Research hospital is, and how Danny Thomas’ abundance was the spark to shift the paradigm of medical research to cure cancer.
Danny Thomas trusted the Universe that everything will happen in its time, and St. Jude is now the second largest charity in the world with donations approaching $1 billion dollars a year! How fitting that St. Jude is the Patron Saint of the Impossible.
“You are exactly where you are supposed to be.” The first time I heard that sitting in a classroom that was supposed to transform my life - well - to be honest, upset me. Actually, the words I said to myself was “F” you! That’s bullshit. You don’t know what I’ve been through! If I was where I wanted to be I wouldn’t be sitting here in your classroom!
But I’ve come to realize, the wisdom in that statement is beyond just casual thought. How does it strike you? Are you like I was and feel a bit offended - or do you find yourself agreeing?
What does this statement truly mean? It’s heavy. It’s profound. Understand, this has nothing to do with where you “wish” to be, or even “desire“ to be. This is about comprehending your “being” and a reflection of how you ended up where you are - regardless of your health, wealth, environment, parents, job, friends, family, fact it is because of all those and much more that has you where you are today.
This simple statement is deep but after breaking it down one is left with a new knowing, a new understanding of themselves from a new frame of realization of how they arrived exactly where they are. As I said, first time I heard this I was quite taken aback. I didn’t get it. In fact it took me a while to truly comprehend its full meaning.
We are where we are supposed to be because each of our actions, our decisions throughout our lives had us arrive here, where we are today. This is the first step in taking responsibility for everything that has happened in our lives - external and internal. And it is only by taking full responsibility that ownership can take place. And with ownership now comes the ability to alter an unwanted pattern and/or begin making different decisions.
Without doubt some things are truly outside our control - the true events that happen to us - and no greater than our health. Poor choices along the way can certainly affect our health, but what if you are born with a disease, or deformity, or otherwise “healthy.” Or how about our race, culture, our environment? The dynamics of how we are introduced to this world are so varied it would be impossible to cover them all.
However, the self-victimizing of “Why Me?” is the greatest pitfall we can ever allow ourselves to fall into. Do we just sit back and play the blame game? We could and many do. But what about you? You’ve made it this far so keep reading.
How we have allowed ourselves to develop the handling of unwanted circumstances is within our control, and once we take responsibility for them, we can redirect our future’s path.
From there we begin to see where we are today. The stage is set for a transformation to occur.
You see, you are exactly where you are supposed to be based upon your decisions of each little step along your individual journey in life. When you begin to dig into what had you decide as you did, each year, each month, each day, each hour, of your living years, you begin to dissect an inner truth that goes way beyond and way deeper than simply “the man in the mirror” (or woman).
What drove those decisions? What created those actions that you did take at each of those moments? How about at one of those critical turning points in your life that takes place about every 7 years? A major turning point in your life?
By the time you’re 50, you’ve had anywhere from 7-10 of these events. And at the time of such, you may not have seen it as a “critical” decision, or maybe you did, but when you look back upon it now the realization is crystal clear that had you made a different decision you’re life would have taken a completely different turn.
And listen up! This is not about making the right or wrong decisions. That’s your ego talking to you. This is about understanding you beneath your ego, your core essence, that which is just outside your “I Am.”
So the real question now becomes what drove those decisions? What had you act in the way you did? It’s your behaviors. If you begin to unearth this you begin to see your beliefs. It is your belief structure that drives your behaviors which drive your actions.
I argue in my book that this is where most psychology begins with someone seeking help to overcome they’re challenges. But is this the root? Is this the core of how we ended up where we are today? No. And if “No” then there must be something that drives our beliefs - right? Maybe you’re beginning to catch on?
The core of everything that has to do with how we ended up here lies within our value system - and not just our value system but our core value system. This is deeper than the conscious mind knows. These are values that drive everything we do in life. These are the drivers that has us choose, most often subconsciously, what we do. These are what truly control our lives.
Digging in, getting to know your true core values is not so simple. They are embedded deep within your mind and by the time you are say 7 years old, are mostly with you for the rest of your life. Can they change? Absolutely!
For instance, severe trauma, or a significant emotional event in your life can instantly re-wire your neurons with a new core value of higher priority than the previous. As a result, how you view the world is instantly changed. Take a moment to reflect right now and you will find how true this is.
Uncovering our true core values can be accomplished. I’ve had it done for me and I’ve done so for others. It’s an arduous process but imperative if you truly wish to understand how it is you have chosen as you have throughout your life. And once uncovered, and seen by the conscious mind for what is probably the very first time, if desired, a change can be made.
Accepting you are exactly where you are supposed to be, is the first step to a new realization that you do have control of your destiny! If you are happy with your life and excited each day, then your core value system is truly aligned with your “I Am.” But if you feel out of alignment, or that statement was more a kick in the pants and you felt a bit offended, then maybe it’s time to unscrew and unearth, begin discovering your authentic truth.
Intrigued to know more? I encourage you to get my book as I break all this down into concepts, stories, and experiences from my past and others. “Discovering Your Authentic Truth.” Discovering is an action word. Now is your time to take action and begin to understand who you are at a whole new level and create the life you dream of.
How did we as a nation develop the concept that schooling ends with school? Yet, for most people that is how learning through books is viewed.
I did some research into adult reading and like all statistics numbers can reflect positively or negatively for whichever point you’re attempting to make. I’ll argue most adults, following their High School or College education, do not crack a book again for the sole intent of “learning.” Multiple studies show we are at our lowest casual reading levels in decades and that trend is continuing.
You are either growing or decaying - right? How often I write on this. Unless required for work, many of us would rather not have to read to learn again. I definitely fell into that category until about 20 years ago when I was introduced to the world of self-help books. And what did I learn? Just how much wisdom and knowledge available to all of us I didn’t know existed! These books changed my life.
Self-Improvement books, leadership books and worthy biographies are filled with wisdom, years of travelled experience, captured forever in the written word. An ongoing conversation for the reader to learn the shortcuts to success or simply a more fulfilling and happier life, written by an author who poured his or her learned knowledge and wisdom into their book for us forever - if we choose to read them.
Without such reading you are left with only one other choice - figure it out on your own. And how much sadness do we see in the world today? It’s everywhere. We often feel we know best until we find ourselves learning yet another hard lesson in life.
It is impossible to learn everything in one’s lifetime by experience alone. Reading classics such as “As A Man Thinketh,” “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” “Think and Grow Rich,” “The Power of Positive Thinking,” “The Laws of Success,” are a few quick examples of gaining such insights, allowing you greater access to a happier life with the least hardships along the way.
I believe you’ll find most successful entrepreneurs have read each of these or at least employ their concepts. They don’t look towards others to fix their problems. They create a way where there is no way and learn success principles allowing them to create the life they dream of.
That’s what books of this nature do - they provide a broader horizon in which to tackle our daily lives. With so much suffering going on in today’s world, how different would life be experienced if everyone was filled with such wisdom?
Here’s a truth I believe fully - an uneducated America will be a rewritten America. I wrote that in response to some of the ignorant statements thrown around last week in regards to our Nation’s Independence Day. Never before in the history of mankind is reading so available to the masses - yet what is the quality of what is being read? You don’t have to look far to find the answer to that.
It begins with a burning desire of a greater future that no one suggested but came from within. Your vision, your passion sets the stage for your determination to make things happen in your life. We are the masters of our destiny in a world of infinite possibilities - it’s not about wh ,at’s out there but what’s inside of you.
Get out of the “blame game” and take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Bad things occur we have no control over - how we deal with these establishes our character. If the vision is grand enough, and we do not allow ourselves to be attached to the outcome, setbacks teach us wisdom and bring us steps closer to the dream.
Too often people get too discouraged when things go “wrong” because they are attached. But when you let go of that attachment, and see setbacks as learnings, tools added to your toolbox of knowledge and wisdom, it’s because your vision is greater than disappointments and success is nearing.
Being alive by definition means Change. Nothing living is stagnant. We may or may not experience a major metamorphosis in our lives but gradually, or slowly, change is happening to each of us. Each day, every day we are choosing who we will become. So a great question to ask yourself consistently is - am I “evolving” or “devolving?”
While on my way to Dallas, a 13 year old girl sitting next to me during the flight was reading the classic (>15 million copies sold), “How to win friends and influence people.”
I asked her how she heard of the book and she said her older brother. I asked what she has enjoyed most thus far - “That it was written so long ago and still applies to today” was her response. Wise girl!
I watched her engulfed in the book’s timeless message and life changing approach to living amongst others. She’d read a little, then sit there and contemplate. Fascinating to observe this young girl as she went through about 40 pages in all.
What are you doing right now to evolve? What choices are you making daily to become a better version of you? Powerful questions to ask yourself throughout your day.
Whether involved with a task or improving a relationship, approach it as the most important priority in your life and do your very best to ensure you are evolving, becoming your very best. And then spend a moment in reflection asking yourself what went supreme and what can I improve upon. Evolve 💝
One of my favorite things to ask is what’s your dream? Your vision for your future?
Some may have one but it is more a wish than a desire for they’ve not a clue of how to make it happen.
But I’d say most do not even have one. Ask those around you! You might be surprised.
Not everyone can see beyond tomorrow or even this day - they’re just getting by. But what happens tomorrow if you don’t have a dream for yourself; not others or family per say, but yourself, your growth, your evolution?
For if you don’t evolve how can you possibly accomplish greatness in others? It has to begin within yourself first.
Spend time on where you want to go - a great place to begin your focus is on 5 years from now, and then work backwards.
Take the time now so you don’t have to take the time later. Sit down with pen and paper and develop a plan. People plan vacations, their TV schedule, their party adventures, but rarely spend time planning their future.
Start with that dream of where you desire to be in 5 years and work backwards all the way to today. When you do so, you begin to create discipline, work ethic, achievable goals, and most importantly the emotion of deserving of success. Because without that “deserving of success” it will remain a wish.
What is clarity? It is freedom from Fear!
Read MoreI took a walk alone lost in thought of this ancient German forest. Sheltered by towering trees, I am visited by birds and living creatures. Humbled I am – a speck in this forest of wonder. Who am I to be so gifted as to take this all in?
Read More
An atheist finds Jesus. Sound familiar? What is different from not knowing there is a God, to knowing to believing, to undying faith in God? For me, who has experienced every facet of the extremes I can say with clarity, Faith is so powerful, so overall encompassing that nothing in this world we experience can match it. The only thing that comes anywhere close is Love – in all its various forms.
I’ve written and told this story so many times. But this morning I had a revelation that had me stop in awe. I was in a conversation and was talking about my NeoGenesis experience yet again. There is an exercise called a “Value Elicitation.” It’s a way of accessing the deep subconscious mind to uncover hidden programming as to why a person gets the results they do in a specific area of their life. In actuality, it provides a gateway to understanding the results in all aspects of a person’s life.
The area I chose to work on that day was my “Definitive Purpose.” As I was conversing this morning I told this person that the very first response that came from me was “Love.” Throughout that entire exercise of almost two hours, it was love that proved to be my greatest driver in life. I would do the same exercise two more times after accomplishing what is called “Timeline Therapy” which removed Anger, Sadness, and Fear at their root level of programming. The release for me was astounding but what emerged unequivocally was that Love is my greatest core value.
So, as I wrote that today it hit me. Why is love my greatest most precious aspect of my identity? Jesus. It is in my love of Jesus and all it means to hold Him and the Holy Spirit deep in unwavering Faith. That was the revelation. There is never any question in my mind that love is that significant in my life. All my productive activity is grounded in love. And now I truly understand why.
Now, what is it for those who do not have this Faith? I’m not saying you have to have Jesus in your heart in order to produce from love! That would be preposterous. But what is the difference between belief and faith?
True faith results in a changed worldview
"When we have true saving faith in Jesus Christ, we see the world and its system in an entirely different way. The Holy Spirit enlightens us as to the true nature of things and actually causes us to think differently, “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit” (Romans 8:5). We are instructed to make this a goal of our spiritual life, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2). If we truly are Christians, dedicated followers of Jesus Christ, we will grow more to see our existence the way God sees it.
"“Belief” can be simply a passive mental acceptance which amounts to nothing when it comes to how it affects our life. Simply to say “I believe in God” means very little if it is merely coming from the lips and not from the heart. People can, and do, say that they ‘believe’ in God, but their lives never change at all. However, when one has true faith in God, one’s life cannot help but reveal this truth. True faith, dependence/reliance/trust, in God reveals itself in our actions, our thought life, and our priorities. A saving relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe can result in nothing less than a radical readjustment of our entire worldview. We will love God with all our hearts and we will love others as we love ourselves (Matthew 19:19, 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Romans 13:9; Galatians 5:14; James 2:8, and more Old Testament references)."
Read more:
As a side note, I believe true love with another human soul aligns with this explanation. It is more a Faith than Belief in the other person – that soul connection. This is something most of us have experienced at one time or another so if you do not believe or have Jesus in your heart, at least you can relate in some way. When you love someone so deeply, there is no doubt it impacts your perspective in all ways and creates a new life for yourself.
When that came out of me this morning, I realized an even greater impact that occurred in my life than previously recognized. And I was warmed all over. I found Jesus after searching for many years and although there was not that single “Aha” moment for me as there are with many, I believe what happened within me was accepting what I already knew existed in a new way. One day I simply realized I had Jesus in my heart. And how I knew was because that love within me became my primary driver in life. But I’m not sure I made the connection until just this morning.
It’s so uplifting, to have Jesus with me wherever I go and with me for whatever I experience in this life – the great and the disappointments. The Holy Spirit was an aspect of the Trinity I didn’t fully grasp until just recently. I read in the Bible every day and the other day I read something that connected in a new way – the understanding that the Holy Spirit came after Jesus’s resurrection to be with us in all ways. I don’t know why I didn’t understand that before and maybe this new perspective is why I’ve also now been able to make that connection of why Love is my “I Am.”
Your dreams, visions, and goals REQUIRE consistent awareness - and updates. Always be asking yourself if there's anything more you can be doing to hit your mark ❤️
Read MoreThe Paper Cup - Are you living AT CAUSE or IN EFFECT?
You're walking in your favorite park - your sanctuary. when you see this paper cup someone dropped on the ground right next to a trash can.
You have three choices:
1) Walk past unaffected
2) Get upset that someone wouldn't make the effort to throw it away properly
3) Greet the cup as an opportunity to make God's world a bit more beautiful, pick it up with loving grace and place it in the trash knowing someone else will now enjoy a cleaner park.
Additionally, you've done so with the compassion of those whose job it is to keep the park clean knowing they have one less cup to pick up.
One of the themes within my book is choosing to live in effect (option 2) or at cause (option 3). This applies to most every aspect of your life, especially in your language. Be aware of the words you use to describe your life- daily and overall. They create your reality!!!
Life is a series of choices. You can drop your trash on your self and others, or be considerate, even uplifting. The choice is yours alone to make throughout your journey each day. ❤
Launching Out the Gate
A Derby to Business Momentum
by: Guy Brilando
How did I, a first time, self-published author hit Amazon's Best Sellers list and Hottest moving book on its launch debut? A first time author with an endorsement from Robert Kiyosaki, self-made billionaire who has the longest NYT best seller next to the Bible? Allow me to explain!
Derby: “A race or contest, usually one open to all who wish to enter and offering a prize for the winner.”
This is’s 3rd definition for Derby.
Every year, over the first weekend in May, many countries throughout the world along with our nation, tune in for the running of the Kentucky Derby.
Since 1875, Churchill Downs in Louisville Kentucky remains the crown jewel of horse racing and the first of the three races towards the Triple Crown. The race is exclusive to three-year-olds where they pour every ounce of their spirit into launching out of the gate for position, and then craftily manage their endurance for the ever-closing finish line.
What does it take to win such an elite race where the competition is so strong? It’s more than simply the three years in training of a single horse.
It takes a team of hundreds over the period of decades who have nurtured and cared for the lineage of that horse, racing for the roses at Churchill Downs.
And so it is with you. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, a domestic engineer (responsible for your household), an athlete, or involved in most any endeavor, it is the teamwork behind the one out in front that creates the conditions for success.
From mental conditioning (to include ‘how’ you think), the vision, research, planning, productive activity, belief and more, the greater the team you have behind you aligned in all ways, the quicker and greater the successes will evolve.
“When opportunity arises, it’s too late to prepare” is one of the most powerful statements you can ever internalize towards achieving your dreams. Being mindful of this on a daily basis puts you in the top 5% of your entire potential competition.
There is a team behind the horse nurtured from the day it is born. We see the horse pouring its soul into crossing that finish line first. It’s desire to win is steadfast during those precious two minutes around that 1 ¼ mile track.
But, it’s in the preparation for the victory that began year’s before the horse’s birth. And so it is with you in the years before actually entering the starting gate. Learning from and surrounding yourself with already proven winners in your desired field creates an environment of advantages to success.
And unlike the horse, here’s what you have total control over: You have the power of decision as to how hard you train and prepare while following the advice of your mentors (trainers).
The earlier you begin towards improving yourself on a daily basis the greater you empower yourself. When the opportunity you diligently are pursing finally presents itself, you can pounce on the opportunity you’ve longed for.
Putting forth your very best effort every day will have you happily galloping along!
By employing this simplistic strategy well in advance (even if the destination is currently unknown) you will have behind you everything required when entering the starting gate to launch yourself into first across the finish line.
That's the power behind the launch debut of "Discovering Your Authentic Truth." It's a great read and will inspire you to generate your team to take it to the next level.
Have you heard the exciting news?
It's finally here!!!
I want to thank you personally for all your support, patience, and inspiration during this process.
Yes!! This just happened!! Podcast discussing my NEW book: Discovering Your Authentic Truth
Fuel your Self-Worth and Live Your Authentic Truth. Success is about character. It is making yourself, others, and this world better while living your true authentic self. Author, Speaker, Inspiration, Transformation, Master NLP practitioner.